What is Diabetes?
- Diabetes is a disorder where the body does not produce enough insulin or the type of insulin is not effective to transport sugar in blood into our muscles
- Each day in Australia, approximately 280 people are diagnosed with diabetes (that is one person every 5 minutes)
- People with diabetes are almost three times more likely to have high blood pressure, obesity and two times more likely to have cardiovascular disease (e.g. heart disease and stroke).
- High blood glucose levels cause damage to the kidneys, nerves and eyes
- Australian one of the highest incidence in world
Why is it becoming more prevalent?
- carrying too much weight: Waist circumference – men 94 and 102; women 80 and 88
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Increasing use of refined sugars
- Not as active
- Smoking
- Genetics – island/aboriginal
Five diet changes to be aware of – 4 T’s and a coffee
- Limit the amount of total carbohydrates in diet
- Bread, rice, pasta, cereals
- Limit fruit to 2/day
- Aim for 50% of energy each days as carbs
- Limit the types of carbohydrates
- Low Glycaemic foods
- Some examples of low GI foods
- Sweet potato instead of potato
- Whole grain breads instead of white bread
- Apples instead of watermelon
- High fibre cereals
- Yoghurt as a snack
- Be aware of the timing of the carbohydrates
- Smaller regular meals and snacks
- Eat within 2hr of wake and avoid for 2 hrs before bed
- Do some training – exercise
- Increase muscle need for carbohydrates
- Increases muscle receptiveness to insulin
- Increase your coffee intake. Aim for 3 cups/day
- 122,000 from Nurses’ Health Study, NHS II (1991–2007) -documented 7,269 cases type 2 diabetes
- Diet was assessed every 4 years using a validated food-frequency questionnaire. Self-reported cases of incident type 2 diabetes were validated by supplementary questionnaires.
- 1 extra cup/day (average: 1.69) – 11% reduced risk 4 years later compared to those who did not change
- 1 less cup/day (average: 2) – 17% increased risk 4 years later compared to those who did not change
- Not seen in decaffeinated coffee or in tea consumption had no impact
- Best result in those who consumed 3 cups/day – 37% lower than those who consumed 1/day